We won third place at the International Fair in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Competition Commission of IX International Fair of Devices and Technologies for Manufacturing and Application of Pellet and Briquette PELLETS-EXPO & BRYKIET-EXPO awarded third place to POL-LUX Adam Junczyk Company of Biała Podlaska for screw auger briquetting machine with no heaters b-2-95-98 with a capacity of approximately 150kg / h.
Bydgoszcz, Poland June 3, 2011

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Added: 27 Czerwiec 2011
ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 22
21-500 Biała Podlaska
kom.: 608 550 792
tel./fax: 83 342-42-54
e-mail: biuro@pol-lux.pl

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